Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Summer doldrums

As I mowed one of the back lawns for the umpteenth time this season, it occurred to me that aside from increased daylight hours and warmer temperatures, summertime on the NCR is somewhat overrated.   The homeowners among us spend most days off maintaining the yard and repairing the ravages of winter.   It seems curmudgeonly, but after doing this routine for 40 years, it is getting old!  At some point, it will be nice to see someone else sweating in the sun as I relax and contemplate the "hazy, lazy days of summer"....  Meanwhile, the summertime media has finally noticed the surge of Bernmentum as the large crowds continue to show up and listen to Vermont's favorite socialist urge the middle and lower classes to make the 1% shoulder more of the financial burden of running the world's largest economy.  I think the coverage is more in the vein of  "Hillary is looking over her shoulder at Bernie", than thoughtful examination of the issues Sanders is bringing up.  The elite media perceives itself as part of the aforementioned 1% and refuses to take the movement seriously.  We'll see if Bernie actually generates the enthusiasm necessary to create the grassroots which will challenge the economic dominance of the Koch brothers and their ilk.  It will be fun to watch.

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