Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Through the looking glass

Hillary Clinton is about to be dissected again in the Sunday NYT Magazine.  The paper of record seems to have a particular hard on for the Clintons, dating back to the Whitewater "scandal" in the 90s.   As with most of the other problems associated with Bill and Hillary, there is far more smoke than fire.  The biggest complaint the press has this time around is their limited access to Hillary.  Given the poisonous relationship, if I was her, I would be using cattle prods to keep the press away.  Besides, given the tattered reputation of most in the media, it is probably a winning strategy.  Reporters want a story and if they can't get one, many of them will manufacture a hit piece based on smoke and mirrors.  I am agnostic regarding the Clintons, but I think most people perceive the persecution of the media as unfair and they are willing to give both of them the benefit of the doubt regarding the scandal du jour.

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