Friday, July 3, 2015

Feeling the Bern

10,000 people in Madison, Wisconsin waited patiently the other night to hear a presidential candidate, and no it wasn't Donald Trump.  The national media had to cover this event, because no other candidate has attracted that much attention without a compulsory attendance mandate.  Bernie Sanders, the unlikely socialist from Vermont, by way of Brooklyn is the man of the hour.  In some smaller towns in Iowa and Minnesota, more people than populate the town are attending his rallies.  His brand of big government populism is striking a chord among the middle and lower middle class would-be workers who feel like the economic deck is stacked against them.  The beltway press didn't even bother to dismiss Sanders, instead treating his candidacy as a Walter Mitty style daydream.   We are still a year an a half away from the election and Bernmentum may fade over time, but the enthusiastic crowds are responding to his message of people power as a counterbalance to the oligarchy we are rapidly becoming.  If these people become foot soldiers in the campaign and continue to contribute, Hillary will have to come closer to the policies Bernie is trumpeting.  And who knows what may yet happen.  It would be fitting if the battle for America's soul was waged by the Brooklyn socialist and the Queens mega developer.  Trump vs. Sanders in 2016!   America, I love this place...

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