Monday, July 27, 2015

vagaries of weather

It looks like we will move from one extreme to the other as far as rainfall is concerned.   After an early summer of deluge after deluge, it is looking like a hot dry week will stress any of the garden survivors.  Most crops developed a shallow root system in response to the relentless rain and will be hard pressed to adjust to a drier regime.  The fall crops will be better able to adjust since most of them have just been planted.  I noted in my Friday blog we were expecting a wet weekend, but aside from stray thunderstorms, most areas, including mine were warm and dry through most of the last 72 hours.  I was able to till several areas in the ultra secret garden for the first time since May.  There was quite a cover crop of weeds in some areas, but hopefully most of them went under before setting seeds.  The galinsoga continues to germinate all over the garden with sinful profligacy.  The hoe and cultivator are still the most useful tools in the shed as we approach August.

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