Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The fight against "foodlike substances"

Marc Bittman was on the CBC radio show Q last night and had an interesting take on the fight against the large food conglomerates pushing high fat, salty, sugary foodlike substances which are a large part of the current obesity epidemic.  The publicity budget for Coca Cola, Frito Lay and some of the other junk food merchants is hundreds if not thousands times the amount spent to advertise whole foods, including vegetables.  He said if the government is to become serious about promoting healthy eating it must attack the problem from a regulatory standpoint as well as making healthy food available and affordable to the middle and lower classes.  There are many areas of the country where even middle income people don't have access to fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.  A carrot and stick approach; making the healthy choice available and taxing the junk foods is probably the only way to wean us off the unhealthy choices brought to us by the giants of agribusiness.   Whether any politicians have the stomach for the fight (pardon the pun) is another question.

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