Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Bernie and the Trump

Nowhere is the difference between the Republican and Democratic parties more in evidence than in the success of their insurgent candidates.  Bernie Sanders represents the better angels of the Dems.  While he calls himself a socialist, he is really a throwback to the best of the New Deal liberals.  He empathizes with the struggles of the middle and working classes and is willing to sit down and have a discussion regarding the policy initiatives which will begin to make his vision a reality.  People all over the country are coming out in droves to hear him speak.   He is making his points without malice toward any other candidate.   What a contrast to The Donald.  A bombastic blowhard whose rise to the billionaire class was essentially bankrolled by his father and his connections to old time power brokers in NYC, Trump represents himself as a brilliant self made man who is donating his time to run for president as a favor to the rest of us.   He has no policy proposals except to build a wall on our southern border to keep out the drug dealing rapists the Mexican government is sending to America.  He is at his best when attacking his fellow republican candidates and appealing to the dark side of a minority of Americans.   Following a well worn script dating back to the 1830s and the rise of the Know Nothing Party, Trump seeks to demonize immigrants and win the support of people who feel threatened by people of color.   It is the politics of hate.   While neither of these two candidates is likely to capture their party's nomination, they do represent the zeitgeist of Dems and Repubs.  Who do you wish would represent us for the next four years?

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