Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Together, apart

       The killing of up to 8 Asian-Americans in the Atlanta metro area, allegedly by a white supremacist exposed once more the ugly tide of anti immigrant feeling in the country.  Add that to traditional anti black violence perpetrated by police and you have a toxic stew of hate in the country.

     Meanwhile, with the passage of the Covid 19 rescue bill, the Biden administration hopes to take our minds off violence in the streets and culture war issues in general.  With up to 75% of Americans supporting the initiative, Biden seems to be winning the hearts and minds of many Republicans as well as the overwhelming majority of Democrats.  His and the administration's competence in getting Covid shots into our arms has pretty much put to rest the "sleepy Joe" meme many in the GOP used to characterize Biden's supposed senility.

     The question is, can Democrats smother the culture wars and instead focus the country on economic prosperity for the many.   Historically, most race baiting and anti immigrant violence has been driven by economic insecurity.  Alleviating that feeling will go a long way toward uniting us.  

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