Monday, March 29, 2021

Nearly normal...or not

     It had been more than a year since I last saw my mother and my three siblings.  That lack of contact was rectified over the weekend as we gathered on Long Island to celebrate the family matriarch's 91st birthday.   Most of us have received both vaccinations, either Pfizer or Moderna, but there were some with only one of the series in their arms and some younger members who have yet to receive a jab.

     My mother is firmly of the opinion that when your time has come, there is no injection which can stop Nature's course, so she was firmly on board with a limited get together.   My opinion was perhaps a little more nuanced, but in the end I was happy for the hugs we exchanged on arrival and departure.  No matter what happens in the immediate future, Covid has taught us to appreciate the simple joys of family get togethers, albeit perhaps not as normally as we would like.

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