Friday, March 12, 2021

Mr. Mojo Biden

     With apologies to The Doors, with last night's triumphant speech, Joe Biden's mojo is indeed rising.  Comparisons with FDR and Winston Churchill abound in the aftermath.  As one columnist put it, Biden realized before most of us the Covid 19 virus and its challenges would be the equivalent of what FDR faced in 1932.   He has responded in a way which has so far confounded skeptics and won him the chance to show government is not the problem, but the solution for problems.

    Unlike his unlamented predecessor, Biden is not looking to claim credit for any progress.  He implored the public to work with him and any like minded legislators to help with vaccination efforts.  Projecting a July 4 celebration in every American backyard, the president promised an end to the pandemic if only we all pull together.

     Many more challenges lie ahead and Republican obstructionism will be one of the chief roadblocks to progress, but if the ARP pans out, the economy will be humming in 2022 and Mitch McConnell and company are going to look like the sore losers they are when voters go to the polls.  We are on the cusp of a transformative presidency and it seems we have a leader who not only realizes that, but is prepared to lead the way.

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