Friday, March 19, 2021

Last gasps?

       As 6 Asian Americans are gunned down by a white man having a "very bad day", the House of Representatives passed a renewal of the Violence Against Women's Act despite the no votes of 172 Republicans.   It seems they were upset that boyfriend's 2nd amendment right to buy guns and kill  women was being abridged.  Is this the beginning of the end of white supremacy and the patriarchy or just another skirmish in an ongoing battle?

     While segregation and the struggle for civil rights have traditionally thrown a spotlight on the black vs. white divide, other racial minorities and women have experienced discrimination by white men since the discovery of America.   The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in 1882 to prohibit ethnic Chinese from immigrating to the US.   The shame of the Japanese internment camps in WW2 will forever be a stain on our democracy.  The second class status of women in general and low income women of color particularly is another problem.

     Acknowledging the worth of every human being, regardless of color, ethnicity or gender should be what we do from cradle to grave.  Instead, we discriminate against virtually everyone who doesn't look like a white caucasian  male.  We need to do better. 

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