Friday, March 5, 2021

Another deadline another day

      Once more, QAnon has disappointed his cultists.   Somehow, DJ tRump spent his day on the golf course instead of being inaugurated as the 19th president of the real US.  I didn't know that due to the miswording of some legislation in 1871, the United States became a corporation and all legislation and elections since then have become illegal, etc.   The bottom line is the ever mysterious Q had assured his credulous minions Cheetolini would be back in power yesterday.

      Despite or perhaps because of increased security around the Capitol, there was no inauguration competing with the Senate's deliberations on the second Covid relief bill.  As Senate staffers droned on reading the entire bill for the satisfaction of Ron Johnson (Idiot-Wisconsin), tRump was probably cheating his way around one of his golf courses.  The disconnect with the American people's needs at this point in our history could not be more stark.  Republicans have become the party of "Freedom", although so far this year that seems to freedom to die of Covid 19.  

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