Thursday, March 11, 2021

The GOP quandary

          The headlines in my local paper today echoed yesterday's.   Filling out the benefit amounts each town in the three county area served by the paper, it was plain to see what each municipality would receive.  My own town is getting $780,000 from the ARP.   Smaller towns are getting lesser amounts, but the overall impact in the North Country, especially when you add the amounts individuals will receive will be enormous.  

         My local congresscritter, Elise Stefanik voted against the bill, calling it a "far left wishlist".  How she and fellow Republicans square their opposition to  a bill which helps a majority of their constituents with their support of tRump's tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy will be the tale of the 2022 elections.  Democrats have a vision of government dedicated to helping ordinary citizens dating back to the New Deal.  It is bracing to see the party returning to the philosophy which helped the country win WW2, end the Great Depression and lift millions out of poverty and into the middle class.  

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