Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Day of reckoning

      Andrew Cuomo is staring down the barrel of a figurative gun loaded with accusations of sexual impropriety.  His continued grasp on political power depends on whether someone pulls the trigger in the face of a waning #metoo movement and Democrats' increasing reluctance to be the only party willing to hold sexual predators to account.

      Cuomo is a polarizing figure and it is perhaps not a true test of the movement.  Many people, myself included see a moderately competent governor who has flirted with Republicans in leadership roles and is not nearly as progressive as he proclaims himself to be.  In a deep blue state like New York, such behavior should preclude his candidacy.  But his footsie with the GOP has increased his political war chest to the point he can intimidate and foreclose challenges to his position.

     Now, with 3 women coming forward to accuse him of improprieties from the mundane to the outrageous, Democrats have a choice to make.  Do they "Franken" Cuomo and try to force him to resign or do they allow him to escape and expose themselves to charges of hypocrisy after condemning tRumps' behavior.   Republicans have with a few exceptions stayed out of the scandal so far, since the hypocrisy would be so evident.  

    Powerful politicians need to be held to account for taking advantage of their positions whether for monetary or sexual satisfaction.  Do Democrats have the stomach to force one of their own to do so?

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