Thursday, March 25, 2021

Everybody wants a piece of the action

        As always with the transition from Republican to Democratic administrations, the pent up demand for equality, visibility and equity is exploding across the nation.   From the Biden administration's halting steps to redress the broken immigration system to the call for less discrimination against those of Asian descent, everybody is clamoring for attention at the same time.

      As an older white male, I have rarely been discriminated against or made to feel like a stranger in my own country and I get the many voices calling for equality.  But, before the tumbrils start to roll, perhaps we can all stand back and give the system a chance.   Biden is putting a first class team together in the DOJ, the NLRB and other venues which will make headway against the horrors put in place by the previous administration.   We need to give the newbies a chance.  Yes, the situation at the border is intolerable, but 60 days in to the effort, let's not declare failure and move on.  The same goes for racist discrimination against minorities.  It must be called out, but we must also allow the government to put policies in place to address the long term effects and their present manifestations.

      We all want a piece of the action, but it won't happen all at once.  Give the old white guys a chance to at least try to make it right.

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