Monday, March 22, 2021

The border

     As a some time consumer of the blather masquerading as intelligent discourse on Morning Joe, I was disgusted by their coverage of the situation at the southern border of the US.   The Biden administration inherited a broken and inhumane system from the the failed former government and has set out to reform it.   Allowing unaccompanied minors into the country while trying to find sponsors for them should not be controversial.

     The media is all over this story as if it proves that 60 days into its tenure, this administration has predictably failed to keep the border secure.   Pictures of children jammed into tents and makeshift structures is supposed to make us feel bad.  I guess turning them back into the Mexican desert is the humane alternative!  

    Instead of at least giving the new guys the benefit of the doubt, the purveyors of "both siderism" have seized on the border situation as something that Democrats are as incapable of solving as Republicans.  The shallowness of political discourse in this country never ceases to amaze me.

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