Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The possibilities of populism

      Over at the NYT,  Nobel prize winning economist, Paul Krugman takes on the demise of the Republican party as it is tugged in two directions.   On the one hand, the avowed disciples of Trumpism mouth the platitudes of populism which helped vault its avatar to the presidency.  These include governmental policies primarily benefitting the working class.   On the other hand, the billionaires who fund most of the party apparatus press for the continuation of the transfer of wealth from the middle to the .01%.

     The GOP can no longer put the culture war issues in the closet after the elections.  The economic right wing is now in charge along with the politics of hate.  What will the party do next, especially if it continues to lose national elections to the Democrats?   That is the question Krugman leaves for us to ponder.

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