Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Have Patience

     The title of this post refers to a song my girls learned back in the 90's.  I think the character who sings the song was a turtle who counsels everyone "don't be in such a hurry".  It's a perfect theme song for our Covid 19 troubled times.  Although the vaccine rollout is proceeding at an accelerated pace, there are over 330 million people in the US.  That is a lot of arms to jab, in some cases twice.  As the hundreds of thousands of spring breakers who descended on the beaches in the South demonstrated, many of us are in too much of a hurry to get back to "normal".

     Two of my grandchildren went to their first day of in person learning this school year yesterday.  By the end of the day, the school district halted all face to face classes in favor of remote access.  The reason; another outbreak of Covid among the in school population.  That means learning with grandma and nana, probably for the rest of the school year.  It's a shame, but ignoring social distancing and going maskless probably played a large part in this latest local outbreak.   We  need to keep up all precautions until we have beaten the pandemic.

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