Monday, January 11, 2021

What is to be done

 Vladimir Lenin's pithy phrase continues to echo down history.   In the wake of a violent insurrection at the US Capitol last Wednesday, so far all the officials in charge of security seem to be able to do is point fingers of blame at each other.

     Members of Congress were hiding under tables in barricaded offices for hours.  It turns out there was an organized effort by the mob to kill Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi.  Fortunately, due to quick thinking by individual Capitol police officers these and other tragedies were avoided.  Will we be so lucky next time.    

     Social media is full of calls for armed militia members to show up at the inauguration and "Take back our country".   This movement needs to be decapitated.   Anyone advocating the violent overthrow of our government should be brought to justice.  That includes anyone in government who actively plotted last Wednesday's attack or who encouraged it.

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