Tuesday, January 12, 2021

It still comes down to race

      As more and more studies are done on the mob that broke into the Capitol last week the majority seem to conclude that race was probably a huge contributing factor.  Many of the rioters, 99% plus white appealed to white officers in the Capitol Police to aid them in finding members of congress.   Some of these officers appeared to aid the mob, even taking selfies with rioters.   Meanwhile, newly released footage shows some insurrectionists beating police with flagpoles.

     It is a huge short term challenge, but police forces around the country are going to have examine their officers for racist ideology and fire them.  With the inauguration 8 days away, it is hard to believe there will not be more than a few racists among the forces keeping the peace during the festivities.   This could be a huge security challenge, but it must be tackled expeditiously.

     Enabling racism is one of the tRump administration's most hideous legacies.   From the president* on down to heads of individual departments, officials have turned a blind eye to racism.  It needs to stop.

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