Monday, January 18, 2021

Half a million!

       It is now estimated over 500,000 Americans will have died by the end of February no matter what happens between now and then.   A corrupt and incompetent administration basically gave up on fighting the disease progression in the weeks leading up to the 2020 elections.   To repeat the refrain describing so much of tRump's government, "They must be held accountable.  

     There are so many things the federal government could have done to increase the pace of vaccinations as the medicine became available.   Setting up mass vaccination centers, loosening the regulations concerning who should be protected first, training a cadre of people to actually get shots into arms.  These programs could have been set up months ago, but none were.  instead it was left up to underfunded state governments to do the hard work.   

     Now we face a winter of tragedy.   Let's hope the Biden-Harris administration can lead us to a spring of hope.

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