Friday, January 22, 2021

The Bad Faith Express

       When John McCain ran against the Shrub for the GOP presidential nomination in 2000, the bus he traveled in from one campaign event to another was called "The straight talk express".  McCain promised reporters he would tell the truth to the American people.   He managed to captivate most of the media covering him and but for some Bush campaign dirty tricks in S. Carolina he may very well have won the nomination and the subsequent election.

      Today's Republican party is engaged in the very opposite of McCain's campaign.   In the wake of the attack on the Capitol by a mob inspired by tRump, the lies are coming fast and furious.  Antifa dressed up as MAGA supporters were the real culprits!   Democrats are tearing the country apart by accusing Republicans of bad faith!  I saw a GOP congresscritter turn herself into a pretzel as a CNN anchor walked her through the incredible leap from voting to decertify Joe Biden's election to arguing she was only echoing the arguments of millions of Americans who had trouble believing in the election.   The Republican was left sputtering after Erin Burnett flat out told her these millions of citizens disbelieved mostly because they were fed lies continuously since election day by her and the right wing media.

    This is the ecosystem Biden and Harris will have to deal with for the next 4 years if they do not deal with the lies and bad faith of GOPers such as Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and the chief insurrectionist himself.  I wish them good luck, but as one pundit said, a revival of the Fairness Doctrine might be more to the point.

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