Friday, January 8, 2021

Golf and insurrection

      Golf is easily the whitest of sports.  As an avid player, I concede that point and wish it was not so.  The irony that the greatest player in the history of the game is black is lost on many who play the game.   As one commentator has said, if Tiger Woods showed up at a Trump golf property before his era of fame commenced, he would probably have been referred to the groundskeeper's office. 

      It is worth noting John Feinstein, who has chronicled golf for many years, has urged the PGA to move its championship from tRump's golf club in New Jersey after the events of the past couple of days.   If this comes to pass, it will be possibly the most severe rebuke the president* will face in the next 12 days.   Despite the will of Democrats and some Republicans to impeach Cheeto Benito after the clumsy coup attempt on Wednesday at the Capitol,  the fascist wing of the GOP will prevent conviction in the Senate.  The spineless Vice President will not invoke the 25th amendment to remove our would be despot.  

     It will be the little things such as denying tRump a golf tournament on his property that will come to define the punishment he will face.  Somewhere, the Founders weep...

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