Tuesday, January 5, 2021

So much sadness

      One of the most incisive commentators who appears on MSNBC, Jamie Raskin, lost his son on New Year's Eve to suicide.   Raskin and his wife published a moving obituary chronicling Tommy Raskin's brief life and it is hard to believe how much achievement he stuffed into a 23 year span.   He seemed to be superbly comfortable in his own skin and destined for great things.   He was cut down by depression and begged his parents and siblings to "Please look after each other, the animals and the global poor for me."

      Depression is an insidious disease which robs us of some of our best and brightest each year.  Its origins and progression are mostly unknown and the first inkling many family members have of its effects is a suicide note such as the one Tommy Raskin left for his parents and sisters.   There must be more we can do to combat this life threatening syndrome.

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