Monday, January 25, 2021

Time to play hardball

       It is less than a week into the new administration, but to steal a phrase from Chris Matthews, "let's play hardball" with a Republican party which never stopped.   As  I write this, Mitch McConnell is holding up the start of the new Congressional term to wring concessions from incoming majority leader Schumer, including pledging to leave the filibuster as it was in the last term, thereby giving McConnell and the GOP the ability to stifle Joe Biden's legislative agenda.

      It is rare when someone tells you exactly what they intend to do and dares you to do something about it.  At this early date, McConnell is doing just that.  So far it looks like Schumer and the Democrats are willing to do what is necessary to preserve the administration's power.  Let's hope they throw a high hard one right at McConnell's wobbly chins.

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