Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Waiting for the other shoe to drop

        If you follow left leaning blogs, the reaction to Mitch McConnell's "caving in" and allowing Democrats to organize the Senate as the majority party is instructive.   Majority leader Chuck Schumer characterized  McConnell's action in the face of Democrats' willingness to use the nuclear option and do away with the legislative filibuster as a total capitulation.  At one of the more liberal blogs, Eschaton, the commentator opined it was more likely the total opposition to doing away with the filibuster by two conservative Dems, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema that convinced the minority leader his main tool to frustrate the majority would continue to be available.

       Another take would be the Dems should immediately "more in sorrow than in anger", do away with the filibuster as that is what McConnell and the Republicans would do if the situation was reversed.  Meanwhile, Rachel Maddow hailed the power sharing agreement as a win for Democrats, choosing not to mention the statements of Manchin and Sinema which effectively hamstring the putative majority if they choose to initiate progressive legislation.

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