Tuesday, January 19, 2021

It didn't have to be that bad

       The above could apply to virtually any tRump policy you can name, from the Covid 19 response to putting children in cages to running up the national debt to raise the wealth of a few individuals and corporations.   It didn't have to be that bad!

       The fact we (collectively) elected an unqualified ignoramus president in 2016 did not necessarily mean we would have a failed government.   The star of The Apprentice assured us he would only hire the best people to run the government.   He then went out and did the opposite, hiring many people who actively opposed the mission of the departments they were chosen to run.  Or, they were even less qualified than the mountebank who deputized their cheerful nihilism.

     As Joe Biden is proving with his every selection, there are many people who have the expertise and enthusiasm to run government at a very high level.   From foreign policy to environmental protection his teams represent relentless competence.   tRump was handicapped in the sense Republicans have become the can't do party since Obama's first inauguration.   Even as simple a fix as raising the minimum wage to reflect inflation and productivity will be opposed by the GOP for "reasons".   Biden and his team have 2 years to convince Americans that government can be a force for good.  Let's hope they get it right.  The alternative is not worth contemplating.

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