Thursday, January 7, 2021

A Blind alley

      Yesterday was a blot on the history of America.   A mob of white supremacists, egged on by a would be dictator took advantage of lax Capitol security overran the House and Senate chambers, taking gleeful selfies.   It was truly a pathetic display on both sides.   Fortunately, only one person was killed in what could easily have become a bloodbath, but the potential of hundreds of deaths was a distinct possibility.  

     The rest of us will have to live with the shame of  being citizens of a failing democracy who have to share a country with a fair number of people who live in a fantasy world where a failed businessman turned reality TV host is to them a national hero.   The roots of this failure go back to our collective inability to agree on basic facts.   One of our national political parties used this confusion to convince Republicans the recent election was a fraud.   This treasonous behavior is being discounted by many as a harmless fantasy.  

     I don't see an easy way forward from the events of yesterday.  

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