Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Does character matter?

        In our topsy turvy world, it seems character trumps performance in the world of sports, while in politics, the opposite seems to be true.   The baseball writers refused to elect Roger Clemens and Bobby Bonds to the Baseball Hall of Fame for the 9th consecutive year due to questions regarding their use of PEDs (Performance Enhancing Drugs).  Looking at pictures of both players in their rookie years and again during the peak performance seasons that defined their careers the differences are remarkable.  Reasonable people can have conflicting opinions about whether to enshrine people who flagrantly broke the rules.

       Meanwhile, in DC, congressional Republicans have advanced a character free judgement of the former commander in chief in the aftermath of his attempt to overthrow a free and fair election which put his opponent into the office instead.   tRump gathered a mob and encouraged them to storm the Capitol and prevent Congress from performing a largely ceremonial counting of electoral votes.  Personally, I would rather have Mr. Bonds or Mr. Clemens  as president as have tRump.   What do you think?

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