Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Deplorables

Chris Hayes on MSNBC has taken a lot of heat from right wing media and some supposedly centrist pundits for saying what has been self evidently true, namely that a significant slice of tRump loyalists are racist, authoritarian and thoroughly deplorable.   Hillary was right, although she should have called the entire shitshow more forcefully and not apologized.  Ben Shapiro, posing as a right wing #never Trumper trolled Hayes, saying that calling out the hard core base just drives them into the arms of would be authoritarians.  Of course that is like saying the right's calumnies regarding Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, Obama, et. al. is driving the left toward the fringe.  The lefties have had such people.  Alan Grayson and Cynthia McKinney come to mind, but so far, people like that have been marginalized in the Democratic party.  No so in the GOP.  It seems the sleazier and more hateful the candidate the more the base supports him or her.  It is on the leadership of the party to denounce the Alex Jones, Rush Limbaughs and all the rest of the wingnuts the republicans have come to depend on.  Don't hold your breath waiting for Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to grow a spine.  It's not going to happen until their party is crushed in congressional districts across the country.

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