Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Enough already

I started to watch the latest Rachel Maddow show last night, but couldn't get past her opening monologue.   While I usually tune out later in the hour as the commercials pile up, Rachel's show openings are mostly good primer's of Cheeto Jesus' scandal du jour.  However, last night's pearl clutching, fainting couch rag on the DOJ was beyond anything she has done recently.  She opined the current assistant attorney general, Rod Rosenstein and FBI head Christopher Wray were giving away the store to tRump's minions in Congress.  I guess she was counseling steely eyed determination to deny any info regarding and ongoing investigation.  This is probably a good strategy when dealing with an administration steeped in the rule of law.  But the abject lawlessness of today's iteration would result in the termination of Rosenstein and Wray despite the chorus of approbation it would inspire.  According to at least one pundit, Rosenstein is an accomplished bureaucratic infighter who will play out the department's acquiescence to these latest demands in a manner which preserves the privacy of the special counsel's investigation.  I hope that is a better take than Rachel's.  Our democracy deserves better than either, but I'll take comfort wherever available.

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