Thursday, May 17, 2018

Flexing progressive muscle

As the primary season rolls along, democrats are riding a wave of progressive enthusiasm to victory in many races where the choice is between  young, liberal woman and an older center leaning white man.  Of course, in many of these congressional districts, the newly minted candidates will be running against an entrenched republican.  That is definitely the case in NY 21 where the well funded GOPer, Elise Stefanik will be supported by plenty of outside money.  Nevertheless, at least 5 democrats are vying for the chance to challenge her.  As with most republicans, Stefanik toes the party line and brags on her support for Fort Drum, the North Country's biggest military base.  Unfortunately for her constituents, when it comes to bread and butter issues, she is typical of her party.  But with a long history of electing republicans, this district is a virtual suicide run for democrats.  The only dem to win in the last hundred years did so when 2 republicans ran against each other and split the vote.   Bill Owens defended his seat once, but retired after 2 terms.  The odious Stefanik won against a weak opponent and crushed the dems and the Green Party candidates in the subsequent election.  The greens are not running this year and a strong progressive with a good message may just stand a chance this time around.  If they can win here, progressives can win anywhere in America.

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