Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Power and the people

The NCR experienced a severe windstorm on Friday evening, leaving thousands, including the Divine Mrs. M and myself without electricity for 2 1/2 days.  Not having power for an extended period always reminds me the slender thread on which our entire civilization depends.  Aside from losing the contents of our refrigerator and having to avail ourselves of my daughter Merry's hospitality for showers, it was a reasonably unthreatening  experience.  However, recent reports of Russian hacking of our power grid say that if the entire grid was to go down it could be months before power could be restored.  As someone once put it, we are only collectively 2 missed meals away from a revolution.  The idea we could be out of power for 6 months chills my blood.  I sure hope someone is working on plans to ameliorate the worst case scenario.  Our civilization is literally at stake.

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