Thursday, May 10, 2018

Gardening on steroids

The last 10 days of drier weather have accelerated the pace in the garden.   Besides having to water newly planted beds on a daily basis, I have had to push up plantings of onions and other time-sensitive crops like early potatoes.  Fortunately the larger expanses of the secret garden are now tillable.  The only problem is the lack of time.  Having lost nearly two weeks of work due to the excessively wet and cold April, the crush of trying to get in long season crops, while maintaining planting schedules and watering regimes is hectic to say the least.  Throw in the upcoming Mother's Day holiday and a muted desire for more golf time and reality is about to monkey wrench the burgeoning planting season.  Oh, and did I mention the grass is growing at warp speed!

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