Monday, May 14, 2018

Celebrating Moms

I spent Sunday morning with a bunch of Mothers.   The one who gave birth to our children, the ones who have provided Nana and Pop with grandchildren to spoil and a fellow grandchild spoiler.  I missed the woman who gave me a place in this world, but a phone call assured me she is doing well despite her 88 years. It was a pleasant time, but it felt just a little contrived.   We spend one day per year recognizing all the women in our lives do for us, then ignoring their contributions for the other 364 days.  Women are still discriminated against and doubtless Erica and Hannah will suffer their share of gender based indignities while their brothers will get the benefit of the patriarchy which undergirds our society at this point.  Celebrate mothers by reducing the discrimination they face on a daily basis and we will honor them with more than a few flowers and mushy cards.

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