Wednesday, May 23, 2018

gigging economy

Kevin Drum points out the so-called "gig economy" employs less than 1% of all workers in the US.  It's basically Uber drivers, plus a few other companies which employ so called "independent contractors.  This allows them to not pay benefits such as overtime, health insurance, vacation time, etc.   However, what Drum misses is the large number of companies which under employ the people they do hire.  A case in point are the local supermarkets in this area.   They are always hiring, but as one woman who gained employment at the local Market 32 store, she scheduled for 10 hours/week, with no promise of more time.    Also, her schedule varies from week to week, making it difficult to line up other jobs to make ends meet.   If  this isn't part of the gig economy, I don't know what is.  I'm sure if you count all the under employed minimum wage workers in the country it would probably be closer to 10% of all employees. 

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