Thursday, May 3, 2018

Hurtingly stupid

It would seem the *president's approval ratings can't go much lower than 40%.  Even Tricky Dick and the Shrub had lower numbers of gullible people willing to support them before they exited their respectively presidencies.  For some reason, a substantial portion of the population wants to be lied to and positively revels in disdain with which they are regarded by The Donald.  The Divine Mrs. M is already worried the vaunted "Blue Wave" will recede before the November elections, leaving us with a republican congress which will erode what is left of our democracy.  The key here is the economy.  Having inherited a country still recovering from the last republican wrecking crew, tRump and his henchman opened up a massive deficit at precisely the wrong time and the effects will start to show up in the next few months.   Already, increasing gas prices are starting to bite consumers.  Skyrocketing health insurance bills are on the way and the Fed is about to blow up interest rates, which will affect the auto and real estate sectors.  Consumer protections are also eroding.  Although there is a hard core of tRump supporters who would presumably look the other way if their hero shot and killed someone on 5th Avenue, the softer support will withdraw in the face of the daily idiocies we are being subjected to.  I still believe a message of competence and caring for democracy is a winning proposition in November.  I am betting enough of my fellow countrymen feel that way.

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