Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Identity voters

Several commentators have made similar points regarding tRump voters in the past few days.  Whether it is the right wing media constantly reminding heartland conservatives they are despised by coastal elites (read democrats) or voters who identify with the Donald's bogus stories of how he came back from bankruptcies or just outright racism and misogyny, the theme is for most of these people, reasoned arguments have no efficacy.  They simply want to believe liberals are evil and brown people are coming to take their jobs, their women and their most precious possessions.  After listening to Faux News for 5 minutes, it's hard to argue with those who have given up trying to convince somewhere around 40% of our fellow Americans they don't need to hate everyone who doesn't agree with them.  What is necessary is to convince most of the other 60% we need to defeat the facilitators of the present regime.  

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