Thursday, December 7, 2017

What a deal!

If Donald J. Trump took over Monty Hall's old slot at "Let's make a Deal", instead of offering the contestants a choice of doors #1,2, or 3, he would allow them to look behind 2 doors before having to choose.   What a deal!  That's exactly what he did for the state of Israel yesterday when he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state.   The Prime Minister was probably turning cartwheels as America surrendered a potential bargaining chip in the peace process.  By granting recognition with no strings attached, tRump managed to unite Jordan, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia in condemnation of the move.  Meanwhile, this move will undoubtedly re-energize Hammas and Hezbollah as the foci of Palestinian resistance to Israel.  We will never know what Netanyahu would have been willing to give up in return for US recognition of Jerusalem, because no one asked him for any concession.  What a farce.

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