Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Alabama follies

While most of the country holds its collective breath and hopes that sanity wins the day in Alabama, I doubt the average American would wager more than a cup of coffee that 'Bama will do the right thing and elect an upstanding family man and former prosecutor over an alleged child molester and law breaker.  Alabama is one of several states the Divine Mrs. M would not even fly over if given the option and her antipathy is based on the intolerance and hypocrisy that has allowed Roy Moore's candidacy to advance to the eve of the election as the favorite.  Many republicans no doubt say democrats would vote for a pervert if he was on the ballot in a deep blue state.  To them I say, check out Anthony Weiner's career arc in New York.  The election in Alabama is a referendum on the republican party.   A win by Moore should cause nationwide revulsion for the party among women, minorities and anyone with a shred of decency.  I hope my fellow Americans in Alabama do the right thing, but I won't be betting on it.

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