Monday, December 11, 2017

This and That

While it wasn't "A Star is Born" moment, at least (I think) I didn't embarrass myself as I lent my voice to the Champlain Valley Voices production of the Christmas portion of Handel's Messiah last Saturday evening.  A good time was had by all.  The concert was the culmination of rehearsals dating back to late August and the 55 voice chorus belted out the oratorio, assisted by a full baroque string orchestra and some very talented soloists.  Having not participated in a chorus since the 6th grade, I was somewhat intimidated by my fellow musicians, but love of the music overcame my trepidation.  The Divine Mrs. M's tireless encouragement was instrumental in keeping me on course.  Meanwhile, tomorrow the family will celebrate another milestone as Justyce Rain Kirker changes her name to Erica Justyce Groleau and officially becomes a member of our extended family.  She won our hearts four years ago, so this is merely an affirmation of our love and a milestone for daughter and son-in-law Alicia and Rick.  It will be a very Merry Christmas on the NCR.  Speaking of which it looks like we will get our first significant snowfall tomorrow.  Have I mentioned how much I hate winter!

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