Friday, December 8, 2017

Another infamous date

It has been 37 years since John Lennon was gunned down by Mark Chapman.  It seems weird to think my eldest daughter was 5 months old at the time.   How much has changed in our lives since that date.   I was a casual Beatles fan at the time, and had mixed reviews of the post mop top careers of John, Paul, George and Ringo.  I preferred Harrison's music and his social conscience, but Lennon also intrigued me.   I sometimes wonder what he would have created if given another 4 decades.   Would his music have had continued relevance to the baby boom generation?   As my baby brother would philosophically state, "Hard tellin', not knowin".   Would there have been another "Imagine" to challenge the right wing evangelicals who were becoming increasingly political at the time?  What ifs are bittersweet at best, but Lennon's hard edged advocacy of peace and equality would certainly be an antidote to tRump and the modern day republican party.

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