Thursday, December 28, 2017

Liar in chief

One of the most annoying aspects of the tRump presidency is the constant lying.  He is on a "working vacation" in Florida and claims he is not golfing.  This is a lie that is easy to confirm.  There are numerous pictures of him on the golf course every day.  As a golfer, I would hate to be paired with such a man.  You know he cheats on his score.  A 20 foot birdie putt is probably conceded by the lickspittles he does play with.   Meanwhile, he knows the right wing media will back up his lies regarding golf, so he flips the bird to the rest of us.  I'm sure the briefing he receives every day is the extent of the work he does at Mar-a -Lago.  The only benefit of the 111 days of vacation he has taken so far is the lesser pace of his destruction of democratic norms while he is  on the links. 

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