Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Even Astrology hates the tax bill

I was going to try to avoid a political post today, instead noting the approach of the Winter Solstice with ruminations on winter (I hate it) and how our modern Christmas is a corruption of various pagan rites the early Christian church used to indoctrinate new followers.  But even the change of seasons is political these days.  It turns out that this year in a situation that hasn't occurred in 350 years, Saturn will be in Capricorn on the 21st of December and somehow anything undertaken that day will turn into a catastrophe.  Cue republicans, who will probably vote on their new tax bill on Thursday the 21st!   Of course, most non-partisan tax watchdogs as well as all democratic interest groups are certain this bill will exacerbate the inequalities of wealth in America, but who knew even the stars are against this travesty.

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