Friday, December 15, 2017

Another in a series

The Washington Post published the results of another study of the relationship of racism to tRump's victory in 2016.  No surprise, it affirms what other studies and anecdotal evidence have previously stated.  Trump and his handlers waged a racist campaign which struck a chord in a racist nation.  Of course, the recent election of Doug Jones in Alabama is further confirmation of the efficacy of racist campaigns.  76% of white men and 63% of white women voted for an alleged child molester who opined America was great during the era of slavery, because families were "united".  What put Jones over the top was the fact 98% of black women and 92% of black men (I'd love to find out what motivated 8% of black voters to support slavery) voted for the democrat.  Had the other republican who Moore defeated in the primary, Luther Strange, been the GOP candidate he probably would have won by 30 points.  Despite the protestations of liberals and conservatives alike, racism is alive and well in 21st century America. The unfunny thing about it is in European countries which have decried American prejudice, as soon as they have a significant immigrant population racism rears its ugly head.   The primal fear of the "other" is probably a genetic defense mechanism left over from our earliest ancestors.  To small bands of proto humans, anyone who was not a member of the clan was anathema.  Unfortunately we have not outgrown this defense mechanism and until everyone is the same color, racism will color our interpersonal relations.  Until then, some people suggest we empathize with the racists among us.  I would prefer other paths to sainthood.

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