Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Many pundits on the left have decided we are too worried about the daily damage being done by the tRump administration to our democratic polity.   The Donald hasn't done any more damage than say a President Cruz, and besides he has saddled the GOP with a lot of political baggage it won't shed for years, if not decades.  If the Dems run around with their hair on fire every day, lamenting the recent tax bill as "Armageddon" and the declaration on Jerusalem  as the worst foreign policy gaffe since the Iraq war, they risk making the public blasé when these predictions of disaster don't live up to the hype.  It is true that a unified republican government hasn't gotten much done, and we haven't gotten into any shooting wars, yet.   However, the hollowing out of so many government agencies by political appointees whose only qualification seems to be their opposition to the mission of said agencies is unprecedented.  Reagan tried some of these tactic, most notably with the EPA, but a democratic congress spared us the worst case scenario.  tRump and his enablers have a cheering section in the GOP dominated House and Senate and irreversible damage may be done to several agencies.  The judiciary is being ideologically tilted for possibly decades in which it will possibly thwart the coming progressive wave.   These are legitimate reasons to condemn this travesty of an administration.   By not loudly and constantly calling out the daily efforts at subversion, we risk the possibility of normalizing this abnormal behavior.

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