Wednesday, December 6, 2017


As Rachel Maddow's show fades out and Lawrence O'Donnell and his latest guests eviscerate the GOP and its titular head, I wonder what my crazy uncle would make of the proceedings on MSNBC on an average weeknight.  I know I'll never find out, because the uncle in question would never tune into the above mentioned shows any more than I would check out the latest stylings by Sean Hannity.  We live in mutually exclusive bubbles and both of us consider ourselves in possession of the only truthful narrative of our national politics.  Ordinarily, the alignment of Maddow, et. al with the national media's interpretation of the facts would be an open and shut case.  However, after a nearly 40 year campaign by the GOP and its counterfactual universe, the New York Times and Washington Post are deemed by most voters who identify as republicans as "fake news" and dismissed when reality collides with their chosen narrative.  These views are reinforced by social media which verifies such idiocies as Hillary running a child sex slavery ring out of the basement of a D.C. pizzeria.   How the truth can compete with this is problematical at best.

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