Friday, December 29, 2017

Last of the year

This may very well be the last post I'll make this year.  Aside from family milestones I'm pretty happy to put 2017 in the rear view mirror.  Starting with the inauguration of Orange Narcissus, there has been some violation of democratic norms virtually every day.  At least many of us haven't gotten used to the constant lying by virtually everyone employed in this administration.  Hopefully the outrage will be sustained through the upcoming elections.  On the pop culture front, we continue to lose many of the rock and roll icons who started the genre and kept it fresh and relevant.  Chuck Berry, David Bowie and Tom Petty are the brightest lights among the many who passed.  Closer to home, a younger cousin and a favorite aunt also left us, far too early in both cases.  Feelings of mortality are ever present at the waning of the old year.  But, those of us who remain resolve to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the new year.  As Tiny Tim should have said, "Flying Spaghetti Monster bless us, everyone"!

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