Friday, December 8, 2017

Unilateral disarmament

It was sad yesterday to see Al Franken, formerly one of the Senate's most widely respected leaders, announce his resignation amid charges of inappropriate conduct.   I realize as an old white man who has been afforded the benefit of the doubt my entire life, it is not easy for me to comment on the foibles of other old white men.   However, in this case it would seem the democrats are indulging in the fantasy that their moral propriety will be reciprocated by the republicans, and I won't let that misconception pass.  Yes, Franken probably indulged in some crude behavior, but did it rise to the level of forced resignation.  I guarantee there are at least a half dozen republican senators who have done that much or worse and will never be called on it and if they were they would not resign.  As Dahlia Lithwick pointed out recently, democrats are right to exercise zero tolerance in a perfect world.  The fact their opponents refuse to do so is the cautionary part of the equation. 

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