Monday, April 10, 2017

Trump's foreign policy follies and Sergio's win

Despite the breathless praise from media pundits and GOP politicians, firing 59 tomahawk missiles at a foreign country does not constitute a policy.   I'm sure Cheeto Jesus is waiting for his advisors at "Fox and Friends" to weigh in before he begins work on the finer points of his policy towards Syria.  Despite republican praise for this seemingly one time shot at a Syrian airfield and democratic whispers of a Russian connection, it appears Trump has no clue as to what to do next.   This is not the kind of policy the world needs or expects from the lone superpower.  This kind of cheap reaction to the death of 70 Syrians in a gas attack by their putative government plays well with the rubes, but sends shock waves through foreign ministries.  After "no drama Obama", very few of our allies and adversaries can make heads or tails of the signals coming from the administration.  That is scary, since neither can the people supposedly making the policy on the fly.   Hopefully, Steve Doucy has some  suggestions.   Meanwhile, in a tense and exciting final round, El Nino finally broke through and won his first major eighteen years after bursting onto the golf scene.  Sergio Garcia has always been among golf's elite, but a combination of fiery temper and immaturity has held him back.  He matured on the back nine at Augusta yesterday and won in a playoff against Justin Rose. 

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