Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Spicer of life

As much as I despise George Will, the aging former Faux News shill had an insightful take on the White House press secretary in the wake of his epic gaffe comparing Hitler in a favorable light vs. Assad.  "Sean Spicer is the gift that keeps on giving" he opined in his understated fashion.  Spicer justified the accolade by revising his stupid statement several times.  During this fiasco he impugned Jews, referred to concentration camps as "holocaust centers" and implied the legions of people Hitler gassed were not "his people".  The ignorance and comic ineptitude displayed by Spicer is the perfect commentary on the whole sordid corpse of this administration.   Throw in the lies and condescension Spicer is also famous for and you know he will never be fired from this job.  He is the perfect spokesman for Cheeto Jesus.  He may finally quit if he tires of the virtual war he wages every day with the working press.  I wasn't following politics as closely in the early 70s, but people who were say Nixon's press secretary, Ron Zeigler, most closely resembles Spicer.  We can only hope his reign ends in the same manner.

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